About Jordan

Jordan is a 36 year old CC and is Christian. He has a Post College degree and works as a United States Air Force.


I enjoy reading, playing board games, and going on trips and exploring new places with my family.


I like to do outdoor activities such as different sports, swimming, and hiking.

3 words that best describe you

Calm, happy, and hard working

About Nicole

Nicole is a 34 year old CC and is Christian. She has a College degree and works as a Stay-at-home mom.


I love reading, being with friends and family, drawing, playing board games, and photography.


I love to be outdoors and explore nature, listen to music and have dance parties with my kids, and travel with my family.

3 words that best describe you

Patient, positive, and supportive

More Info


I was born and raised in California and grew up in a loving, supportive family. I attended college in Colorado and it was during my college years that I met my wife, Nicole. I value my faith and my family above everything else. I commissioned in the United States Air Force in 2012 and I am a pilot. My greatest achievement in my lifetime has been growing and raising a family with my wife. I love to spend time with my family, be in nature, play the guitar, play sports, and experience new places.


I was born and raised in Utah and I am a twin! I am one of nine children and I love having such a big family; we have a lot of fun! I went to college in Utah and graduated with a degree in Elementary Education. Teaching, whether in a classroom or in my home, is a big part of my life and something I really enjoy. My relationship with God and my family are the two things I value most in life. I love to spend time with my family and explore our beautiful world.

Qualified for Adoption

We want to sincerely thank you for considering us to adopt your child. We hope you will feel compassion and understanding from us regardless of your choice. We admire your selflessness, and we want you to know that if we are chosen, our entire family would always wholeheartedly love and support your child. Our three children we currently have are as excited as us about the idea of adding another child to our family, and they would be the most fun, adoring, and protective older siblings. We know we haven’t met you yet, but we often think about all the sacrifices you are making and your concern for your baby’s future. Rest assured, we will deeply treasure your baby and do everything we can to help them reach their goals and dreams. If you would like, we hope to have an open adoption where you can see these goals and dreams fulfilled and celebrate with us. We would talk with your child about their adoption frequently, and we hope they will be proud of their story and where they come from. Love is the foundation of our home, and we would love your child, cherish them, and support them unconditionally. Our love extends to you as well, and we are so grateful to you for taking the time to get to know us better.