About Ashley

Ashley is a 42 year old CC and is Christian. She has a College degree and works as a Special Education Teacher.


Art, Reading, Traveling, History, Beekeeping, Decorating


Host tea parties, watch sports, be creative, travel to historic places

3 words that best describe you

Determined, Loyal, Protective

About Mitchell

Mitchell is a 41 year old CC and is Christian. He has a Post College degree and works as a Director of Transportation for Lamar County School.


Fishing, Cooking, Beekeeping


Travel, Outdoor Activities

3 words that best describe you

Patient, Caring, Loyal

More Info


I am a special education teacher, but I have taught kindergarten-4th grades. I enjoy traveling, doing creative activities, and I run a small Tea Party business. I love history and visiting historical sites, but I also enjoy being at home with our puppies. I am very close with my family and have a group of loyal friends who I consider family as well. I love my job and I adore where we live and I can’t wait to share it with a child!


I love to fish and hunt, garden, barbecue, and raise honeybees. I love to travel and I especially enjoy going to places we have seen or heard about on the shows we watch on TV. I enjoy camping in our camper and outdoor activities. I love to garden and work on our property and I am very anxious to get to share this with a child!

Currently Matched

Right now you are doing something we can’t even begin to understand. Thank you isn’t enough, but it is what we have. We don’t know your story, but we have already prayed for you. We ask God to bless your decision and bless your child beyond measure.
We have been married for 18 years. We are so ready to grow our family through adoption. Though we have been through life’s trials and ups and down, we are in a great place in our lives and in our marriage. We moved into our forever home a few years ago and we cannot wait to share our lives with a child.
We cherish our family and our close friendships. We live close to both and they are very supportive and excited to welcome a child into the family!
Our intention is for your child to know just how much love and bravery it took for you to place them for adoption. Your selfless act of love will forever be a part of their life and their story.
This journey is not easy, but we cannot wait to bring a child into our home and share our life with them. From the everyday things to the big events, we will forever be grateful for every moment.
We hope this book will give you an idea of what we are like and what type of life we can provide for a precious child.

With all our Love,
Mitchell and Ashley