February 01, 2015

Winter Activities for Kids

It’s that time of year, when the relentless snow of winter is feeling more like a cold prison than a magical wonderland. Everyone has a little bit of cabin fever, kids get cranky, and boom!…there goes your relaxing family weekend. Like anything that’s gotten a bit staid, winter moods need a recharge come February. That boost of energy that propels you towards those last few frigid months, when we have an eagle’s eye on spring. We’ve been keeping tabs on some unique lists of things to do with your kids, and thought we’d share them here today for some inspiration. A little creativity goes a long way…plus, it makes the days go so much faster than endless marathons of Frozen.

Glowing baths, rainbow foam, polka dot slime! These colorful, safe, and wonderfully vibrant activities will have your kids thinking you’re the coolest parent on the block.

Thank you, Buzzfeed, for gifting us with your brilliance yet again. 37 activities under $10 to do with your kids on a snow day. Enough said.

This awesome list is broken down into really helpful categories, like: “bond with family,” “get active,” “exercise the mind.” This makes it easy for parents to break off and split off into activities that feed the personalities of your different children. More active children will love sock volleyball, whereas your little bookworm might appreciate snuggling up in front of a fire and reading aloud from a new book.

Since the snow is there, it’s probably a good idea to figure out new and fun ways to play around in it. Plus, come on..who doesn’t like feeling a little bit like a kid again?! Parents.com has some adorable ideas, like hula hoop contents, colorful snow graffiti, ways to feed the birds, and an adorable scavenger hunt idea using only colored ice!

This very impressive list from the The Artful Parent blog has 89 activities to “keep your kid from bouncing off the walls” this winter. We’ll take that, for sure.

What are your favorite things to do with your children during the winter? Share in the comments on our Facebook page!