November 20, 2016

Ways to Support National Adoption Month

Every November is National Adoption Month, a month where we celebrate adoption awareness and engage in events and actions supporting adoption and foster care across the nation. During this month, not only do we try and expose myths and educate those around us, but we also work tirelessly to secure adoptions for the tens of thousands of children needing families and/or in the foster care system. Each year has its own theme and focus, and “this year, National Adoption Month focuses on the importance of identifying permanent families for thousands of 15–18 year olds in foster care who are currently less likely to be adopted, often because of their age, and who all too often age out of the system without a stable place to call home.” []

If the election has taught us one thing, it’s that we need community and compassion now more than ever. So what better opportunity than National Adoption Month?! Here are ways you and your family can get involved:

This helpful handout is a great way to get the conversation started, with colleagues, other family members, friends or acquaintances who are looking into adoption. So many people automatically pursue newborn adoption, but there are SO many children in danger of aging out of the system without a family or support system. Spread the word!

Thanksgiving is coming up this week, and it’s a perfect time to rally your family and donate to others in need. Contact your local foster homes or orphanages and inquire about ways to volunteer. Perhaps you could help serve Thanksgiving dinner, or simply spend quality time with those who are without a family this year. This is an excellent activity for the whole family, and it also encourages your children to engage more regularly in public service and volunteering. The younger we can encourage these habits and make them routines in our lives, the better.

If you’re traveling or don’t have the time this week, consider donating money or gifts to local foster homes. Now that winter is approaching, coat and gift drives are all over the place, and this is a wonderful way to help nurture a child in need and make sure they’re taken care of in the colder months.

We LOVE this calendar from Adoptive Families (even though it’s from 2015) with ideas for supporting adoption and foster care each day in November. These don’t have to be done in just November, either…this is a great list for ways to get involved all year long.