June 10, 2013

Things We’ve Learned from Being Part of the Adoption World

Being part of the adoption world, not only as adoptive parents but as the owners of an adoption agency, has us learning new things about ourselves and the world on a daily basis. There is so much adoption has taught us about the concept of family, about parenting, about people in general, and the lessons we’ve learned are both priceless and innumerable. Here are just a few of the many things we have learned from being part of the adoption world – both the tough lessons and the beautiful ones.

Patience. It is not easy having to wait for a child, especially when pregnancy and having a family seems to come so easy for so many others. But there are also many people who don’t appreciate the miracle of having a child, and what a blessing it is. Having to be patient has taught us that not everything happens on our schedule, or when we want it to happen. But that when it does happen, it will be the most incredible thing and all of that waiting will be so worth it.People are good. Adoption is not without its trials. You do encounter people whose intentions are perhaps not the most pure, but on the whole, the people you come to know by being involved in the adoption world are some of the kindest, most genuinely selfless people you will ever meet. Where else will you encounter women willing to place their child with a family to give them the best life possible? Or couples who will spend thousands and thousands of dollars to give a child a home? In adoption, you see the true goodness of people, and we feel very blessed for that.

The meaning of family. Family takes on a whole other meaning when you are fighting for it. We, like many adoptive families, waited a while to get both of our children, and not only did that give us a greater appreciation for having children, but it made us stronger as a couple, too. We had to rely on one another and our extended family so much for support. It’s poignant how trying to have your own family illuminates the importance of the family you already have.

Our own strength. It is so easy to want to give up. To feel like you may never get a child. Any adoptive parent who has been through a failed adoption knows the meaning of the word strength. It is amazing the depths to which the human body and mind can stretch when it wants something bad enough. Adoption tests that often.

How big love is. Did you ever think you could love something as much as you did the moment you first set eyes on your new child? That overwhelming sense of love is greater than any emotion there is, and in the adoption world that shines so bright. We are so lucky to not only have felt it ourselves, but to be able to see it in and to help facilitate that for the families we work with.

How quickly things can change. Adoption will turn your world upside down. One minute you’re living your day-to-day just like you always have, and the next you are holding a newborn without any idea of what a newborn needs or how you are supposed to take care of it. Adoption teaches you that everything can change in a minute, and it gives you a lot of faith about all the world has to offer and what you can accomplish if you really keep your mind and heart set on your goals and dreams.

What has adoption taught you?