August 14, 2012


We just heard about a new movie, “Stuck,” a documentary that exposes the broken international adoption system. It was produced by an organization called “Both Ends Burning,” which works to promote adoption as a solution for children without parents. They believe that growing up in a family is a basic human right, and that that right is often disrupted by inequities ravishing the international adoption system.

According to the website, “STUCK is a testament to the power of human love and the inexplicable connection between parent and child – even when separated by thousands of miles and seemingly insurmountable obstacles.  It is a love story of a different kind that celebrates the indefatigable human spirit, the loyalty and the devotion that bonds these parents and kids together as families.” We can’t wait to see it.

Please sign Both Ends Burning’s petition to restore the efficiency of international adoption, giving as many orphaned children homes as possible. Also, visit their site to donate or learn more about getting involved in their cause. It’s a good one!