August 26, 2015

A Little Lightness Never Hurt

Because every once in a while, amidst times of violence, intolerance, hate, and strife, we just need to get a quick flash of uplifting things that make us feel good.


This 15 year-old boy wrote to President Obama to thank him for his advocacy of stem cell research.

This mama dog nurtures a young boy with Down’s Syndrome.

These sweet children spent over 1000 days in foster care. This summer, they were all adopted into one family together.

You are going to be the coolest parent in the world when you start garnishing your kids’ smoothies (or your Mai Tais) with banana dolphins.

We hope you know…

Fed up with the clothing options available for girls at most retailers, these moms took matters into their own hands, designing a whole new line of girl’s clothing that powerfully upends gender stereotypes. We love it. These little girls are being led by some amazing, powerhouse women.

A whole cookbook dedicated to healthy, $5 dinners — available for free download now! When it comes to family-style cooking, that’s a pretty sweet deal.

This little girl’s going to change the world.

What brightened your day this week?