November 23, 2011

Carlton Family Profiled in STL Publication

We were delighted to come across this extremely heartwarming interview with STL Moms & Dads and one of our adoptive mothers, Colleen Carlton, about her experience adopting children — especially considering her little ones, PJ (13 months) and Poppy (11 months) are only two months apart!

We facilitated their adoption with Poppy this summer, and it’s such a treat for us to see the Carltons so happy and enjoying their new family. Every adoption story is unique and special, but not everyone gets the chance to share their story with the world.The interview covers every base: from having a transracial family, to responding to strangers’ remarks about their exotic looking children, to raising two kids whose slight age difference nearly makes them twins.

It’s a beautiful interview, and we’re so proud to have been a part of their adoption process! Congratulations on your gorgeous family, Colleen and Rob — we can’t wait to see your babies grow!