May 07, 2013

Birth Mother’s Day

What you may not know is that in the adoption industry, we celebrate two Mother’s Days. The traditional one on Sunday, and then Birth Mother’s Day, always the Saturday before Mother’s Day.

For all the mothers who have made the brave, courageous, selfless choice to place their child for adoption, this is a day in honor of them. In honor of their true motherhood – for placing your child for adoption does not make you not a mother, it just makes you a different kind of mother.

It’s easy for birth mothers to feel sadness and loss around Mother’s Day. All this build-up and celebratory energy completely excludes the many women who are also mothers. If you have a close relationship, or any relationship at all, with your child’s birth mother, we urge you to think about something special you can do for her on Saturday. It doesn’t have to be huge; it can easily be a handwritten note sent off in the mail. But we guarantee you, knowing that you are thinking about and grateful for the sacrifice she’s made, while also acknowledging her as a mother, will be something very meaningful for her.

And if you don’t have a close relationship with your child’s birth mother, send a positive thought out into the world. Spread the knowledge of Birth Mother’s Day, do just a little something to show you care. It won’t go unreceived.

Happy, happy Mother’s Day week to all the mothers and birth mothers out there! We love you, and are so thankful for your commitment to adoption and family!