September 13, 2012

Adoption Announcement Cards

Today we saw the most adorable adoption announcement card from one of our friends on Facebook, Adoptive Families, and it got us thinking about adoption announcement cards in general. If you’re not designing them yourself, where do you find them? A bit of investigating turned up quite a bit, and we wanted to share some of our favorites:

If you like the idea of using a photo in your announcement rather than just an illustration, tinyprints has many options that are beautifully designed. We love their New World card!

Pear Tree stood out for its dynamic layout and shape options, and really playful text. How cute is their Chevron Series? has a wonderful idea: magnetic announcements! You can customize them yourself AND keep them posted forever.

Cool Party Favors has plantable announcements! Not only do you get to announce the new addition to your family, but you can also use the announcement to grow your own wildflowers. We love this.Did you do your own adoption announcements? We’d love to see them – send your images and ideas to!