April 30, 2013

Adoption and Addiction

This is an incredible lecture that is so important to watch for anyone involved with or affected by adoption. This man explains correlations between adoption and trauma,  the psychology of attachment and how that can affect a baby at birth and through the adoption process. Although it does get a bit more scientific and psychological, there are definite lessons to be learned here.

As adoptive parents, one thing we can always use more of is information. That’s often a concern for adoptive parents going into their adoptions – what do we miss out on by not carrying our child, or having a direct link to their family history? Although these realities are not finitely detrimental to the health or happiness of your baby, they unquestionably have an effect. And the more we learn, the more we know about what it means to be attached and subsequently, to feel abandoned, the more we can help nurture our child and make them feel loved, supported and taken care of. There are many links between adoptees and drug addiction, and there is very interesting research studying the correlation between things like adoption and attachment, and addiction.

Adoptive parents, adoptees, birth parents, facilitators – we encourage you to watch this video, take in the information and to educate yourself on this side of the adoption world. It is an important topic, and it is up to us to make sure that our adopted children are nurtured in the fullest way possible.